Five minutes with Lynnette Hudson


MiNDFOOD speaks to Lynnette Hudson and her husband, 
Matt Donaldson, are the dynamic duo behind the winemaking at Pegasus Bay, Waipara.

What’s your favourite wine and what music would you match it with?

Red burgundy. Nothing gives more inspiration for thought, conversation and, hopefully, sensual fulfilment. I’d match it with Carla Bruni’s second album. She’s extremely sexy and sensual and she seems to match the musical depiction of a great red burgundy.

What’s the best thing 
about making wine in 
North Canterbury?

When you’re driving up from Christchurch and it’s an overcast day, then you drive through Amberley into the Waipara Valley and it’s bathed in glorious sunshine, it makes you smile. And pinot noir and riesling do well here.

What’s the most challenging thing about making wine?

Working with young vines and wondering if this is the best place to grow grapes. We need another 500 years to know where the best sites are.

Would you like to pioneer a new style of wine?

I believe we move too quickly sometimes. It’s not as if we’ve perfected what we have. It’s not as if we’re blessed with native vines that no other country has, so we have a long way to go to understanding what we already grow.


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