Esteemed composer, Ludovico Einaudi, has joined forces with Green Peace and nearly 8 million voices, to raise awareness about the dangers of destructive fishing and oil drilling in the Arctic.
Greenpeace ship, Arctic Sunrise, travelled to Svalbard, Norway, carrying the composer and a baby grand piano. The composition, ‘Elegy for the Arctic’ was performed on a floating platform in the middle of the ocean against the spectacular backdrop of the Wahlenbergbreen glacier.
The event was organised in a bid to highlight the growing need to protect the Arctic, the least protected sea in the world.
According to Greenpeace, as climate change causes glacial melting, the area is “losing its frozen shield, leaving it exposed to reckless exploitation, destructive fishing trawlers and risky oil drilling.”
The performance was organised to coincide with the OSPAR Commission meeting in Tenerife, Spain, where delegates from around the world met to discuss a proposal that would see 10% of the Arctic Ocean (an area roughly the size of the UK) legally protected.
“Being here has been a great experience. I could see the purity and fragility of this area with my own eyes and interpret a song I wrote to be played in the best stage in the world.” Einaudi said in a press release from Universal Music. “It is important that we understand the importance of the Arctic, stop the process of destruction and protect it.”
Both Greenpeace and the eight million signatories hope to preserve the Arctic for future generations.
You can sign the petition here.
Watch the full video below.