Fans of the Seven Sisters series will be able to read the late author’s words once again, with an eighth book to be published.
The original announcement came ahead of the release of the seventh book in the series, The Missing Sister.
According to Riley, there was no way she could do the story justice in just one book, and so will be releasing a follow-up book, Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt next year.
“I started writing Book 7 with every intention of telling both Merope’s story and Pa Salt’s story too,” said Riley, announcing the news on her Instagram page. “And then halfway through I actually realised that there was no way I could actually fit and do justice to both stories in one book.
“So…my big announcement is that there will actually be a Book 8, which will be entitled Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt, and it will be coming out next year. And it’s much more, I think, almost The Missing Sister: Part 2.
“So, there you go, you’ve got one more book to read, and I apologise that you won’t get all the answers in The Missing Sister, but I hope you will get enough and really, really enjoy her story.’
Sadly, Lucinda Riley passed away before finishing the final eighth book. However her family have announced the book will be written by her eldest son, Harry.
The announcement shared on Facebook read:
What we know about ‘The Missing Sister’
Riley confirmed the release date for The Missing Sister will be 27 May 2021.
According to the synopsis, The Missing Sister follows CeCe and her partner Chrissie as they uncover answers about the missing sister, journeying to a vineyard in New Zealand, as well as Canada, England, France and Ireland.
“The elusive Mary manages to slip through their fingers, and it seems that she does not want to be found,” teases Riley.