When Victoria’s Secret ran a campaign called “Perfect Body” featuring only very tall and very thin models there was an understandable outcry with a Change.Org petition gaining 27, 000 signatures demanding an apology.

Now a lingerie label for bustier women have successfully spoofed the ad by posting a call-out for women of all shapes and sizes to feature in its new campaign. The creators of Curvy Kate, say that they were inspired to re-create the ad in order to show more body diversity.
“With the public outcry for the use of more realistic images in the media, Star in a Bra champions the use of relatable role models and promotes a positive approach to body image.
“We want to show you exactly how our lingerie will look and fit on a variety of body shapes, cementing that there isn’t one type of perfect body.”
The result is beautiful and shows that bodies don’t all look the same, and that is fine.
While the intentions behind the ad are a laudable, it’s also worth nothing that a curvy body is no more ‘real’ than a thin body – all bodies are real, and you should be proud of the one that you have.