Les Tambours de Feu/ The Drums Of Fire


Les Tambours de Feu/ The Drums Of Fire
Over four spectacular nights, Les Tambours de Feu/The Drums Of Fire will take over the streets and hypnotise crowds of all ages with fire play, staged pyrotechnics, dramatic costumes and special effects.

Deabru Beltsak, the Spanish Company behind Les Tambours de Feu/The Drums Of Fire, have been touring the street spectacle with huge success around the world with this series of vibrant street performances descend from two prominent 17th century Spanish celebrations.

A show of incredible intensity, The Drums of Fire will perform across four Auckland locations – Aotea Square, Takapuna Beach Reserve, Freyburg Place and Te Wero Island, showcasing heart-racing drum rhythms, startling physicality and brilliant pyrotechnics (see specific times, dates and locations below).

Audience members are recommended to wear walking shoes, as the performers will begin in one location and audiences will follow on foot.

The Drums of Fire starts each night at 8pm and runs for 60-minutes.



When and where: 

21 March: Aotea Square

22 March: Takapuna Beach Reserve

23 March: Freyberg Place

25 March: Te Wero Island, Auckland Viaduct


Visit www.aucklandfestival.co.nz/events/the-drums-of-fire for more information.


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