Leonardo DiCaprio Brings Light to Hard-to-Reach Places


poor little girls studying at home with Diya light, A small cup-shaped oil lamp made of baked clay is called diya in rural India.
poor little girls studying at home with Diya light, A small cup-shaped oil lamp made of baked clay is called diya in rural India.
Much more than just a pretty face, Leonardo DiCaprio seeks to make real environmental change through the use of renewable energy.

For many, Leo had us at, “You Jump, I Jump” but the truth is, Leo hasn’t stopped being impressive. In fact as many already know, he’s doing more than a few great things for the environment. Leo has recently joined an off-the-grid solar company, Kingo, which seeks to power lights, refrigerators, and laptops for people in remote areas, like those living in the Guatemalan mountains.

It’s no secret the Titanic heartthrob is an environmental activist, in fact he’s invested millions in conservation and renewable energy causes. For this particular project he’s not only became an investor in Kingo, he’s also joined its board of advisors. Kingo have big dreams that they believe they can accomplish, in partnership with Leo’s foundation. 

Power grids still don’t reach over one billion people worldwide, making people resort to reading by candlelight and using diesel generators to charge their cell phones.

In three years, Kingo says it has grown from 500 to 60,000 customers. The company installs solar panels and batteries in rural homes at, wait for it, no cost. All customers need to do is walk to a local store and pay to have their solar electricity activated when they need it, similar to using a prepaid cell phone service.

“They’re just like us — they just want a better quality of life,” Juan Rodriguez, Kingo’s founder and CEO, said in an interview. Juan also said that he hopes they will have the largest user base of renewable energy in the world.

While this may be ambitious, it is necessary if Kingo wants to actually make a meaningful dent in these hard-to-reach places.

We think Leo’s environmental efforts, Kingo included, are just as great as any famous Jack Dawson line.


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