Kiwi chicks hatch at Auckland Zoo


Kiwi chicks hatch at Auckland Zoo
A video of a North Island Brown Kiwi chick kicking and pushing its way out of an egg has been released by Auckland Zoo.

The arrival of the kiwi chick is shown alongside images of a slightly older, and fluffier, kiwi being moved to a brooder in preparation for its release into the wild.

Auckland Zoo is a part of a kiwi rehabilitation programme called Operation Nest Egg (O.N.E).

The programme involves taking kiwi eggs from the wild and hatching them in captivity, before reintroducing the bird into its original habitat. The scheme is a big success, with Auckland Zoo having successfully released more than 250 kiwi chicks.

The North Island Brown Kiwi is widespread in the northern two thirds of the North Island and numbers are thought to sit at about 35,000 making it the most common of all kiwi. The bird holds the world record for laying the largest eggs relative to body size.



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