An Italian woman by the name of Emma Morano has just taken the title of World’s Oldest Living Person.
The woman who previously held the title was one Susannah Mushatt Jones, a New York Woman who was older than Morano by four and half months. After her recent passing, Morano was handed over the title, and not only is she believed to be the oldest living person, but she’s also the last person to be born in the 1800’s.
Journalists descended on her home in Verbania, Italy, the lakeside town in the north of the country, only to sit and wait patiently, until Morano had finished her afternoon nap.
Once she was awake, she told local media that she was “doing fine -116!”
“I finished school and I went to work. I used to sing. I had a beautiful voice,” she told reporters as they asked her what her proudest moments were.
According to her physician of 23 years, Morano has maintained a very balanced diet throughout her life. This consisted mostly of animal protein, some fruit here and there, and in-season grapes, when available. She said most recently her great health was due to her consuming two raw eggs and 100 grams of raw steak a day, which her physician prescribed after Morano was struck ill with anaemia a few years ago.
Her doctor said that whilst longevity can be a genetic component, the key to Morano’s healthy life is also due to her positive attitude.
“Her longevity is a genetic fact, nothing else,” Bava said. “She is a person who from a young age had a difficult life that would have sapped the energy out of anyone.”
“She abandoned the husband in the Fascist era, when women were supposed to be submissive. She was always very decisive,” her doctor said.
She is always a very serene. The beauty of Emma is that it is normal that she smiles, but also in difficulties, she is very decisive,” he said. “But perhaps this tranquility comes with age, which becomes wisdom. Who knows?”