I’m incredibly proud to introduce MiNDFOOD’s 10th Birthday issue for April 2018. This issue, like every issue before it, comes with much love. It’s the largest MiNDFOOD we’ve ever created – over 300 pages – and a huge debt of gratitude goes to our talented staff who have made it happen.
The idea of MiNDFOOD began taking shape around our dining room table 10 years ago, and the house soon became alive with the concept of MiNDFOOD. Walls had printouts of beautiful images I loved, cool typefaces, and in the middle of it all on a single Post-it note, I wrote: ‘MiNDFOOD will be successful’. I remember sticking it on the wall and saying to myself that no matter what roadblocks we may hit, MiNDFOOD would be successful. So as the world was falling into recession, we took a leap of faith, and MiNDFOOD was born.
We started working on this special birthday issue over a year ago. It wasn’t till I was reminded by our US correspondent Michele Manelis the week before we sent our cover off to the printers that Oprah had told her – totally unprovoked – that one of the first things she does when she lands in Australia or New Zealand is buy a copy of MiNDFOOD. “I loooove MiNDFOOD,” Oprah said. “It’s my kind of magazine.”
I wanted this anniversary issue to be a celebration, and to revisit some of the stories and people featured over the years, find out what happened next, and go behind the scenes of how stories came to be published. Looking back has made us appreciate how far we have come and how important you, our readers are to us. I love MiNDFOOD. I love the relationship we have built with our readers, our advertisers, suppliers and what it has meant to our family. I hope you enjoy this issue as much as we have enjoyed creating it. From my family to yours, smart thinking with love.
Michael McHugh, Editor-in-Chief.
Take a peek inside our brand new April issue!
OPRAH: We talk to the star of upcoming film A Wrinkle in Time and the voice of our generation.
OUR BEST COVERS: An update on our top 10 most exceptional cover stars over the past decade.
ART & CULTURE: A fascinating retrospective of the arts world and its talented people, including Neil Frazer, Vanessa Redgrave, K.D. Lang and Jackson Pollock.
SMART HEALTH: Discover the foods that can help respiratory problems, improve sleep and boost brain power.
PSYCHOLOGY: From drug addictions and dealing with trauma, we’ve investigated it all. Read 10 of the most informative ways of thinking we’ve come across.
BEAUTY: View our top 10 trends, fads and products to try right now, plus take a look back at the make-up and skincare products we’ve adored over the years.
FASHION: We revisit the influencers who have changed the world of fashion as we know it, including Dame Trelise Cooper, Gosia Piatek and Karen Walker. And, go behind the scenes of our overseas fashion shoots.
DÉCOR: Our top picks of architectural and interior spaces are examples of what it takes to create an everlasting masterpiece.
TRAVEL: Take a tour of Pacific Islands Fiji, Tahiti, Samoa, Hawai΄i and Niue – and go in the draw to win a once-in-a-lifetime overseas trip.
IN SEASON: Ten delicious ingredients and our favourite recipe for each, curated by Food Director Michelle McHugh.
FOOD: Celebrate with us by making one (or all) of these top 10 show-stopping birthday cakes.
SPECIAL BIRTHDAY SUBSCRIPTION DEAL: Subscribe now and get a year MiNDFOOD for just $55!