How your favourite celebs stay healthy and fit


Jennifer Aniston
There's no denying that most celebrities have an army of professionals behind them to keep them looking good, but the real key to their success isn't the latest treatment or product.

1. They work out… a lot

Jennifer Aniston’s personal trainer Leyon Azubuike says she works out seven days a week for 90 minutes each session. The sessions are varied from boxing to strength training, and they are always challenging.

Don’t have the time or budget for a daily workout with a personal trainer?

The Mayo clinic recommends that you aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day to stay healthy. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity.

Plus, do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least two times a week.

Moderate aerobic exercise includes activities such as brisk walking, swimming and mowing the lawn. Vigorous aerobic exercise includes activities such as running and dancing.

Strength training can include use of weight machines or your own body weight.

2. They eat healthy food most of the time

While there’s no denying she has a healthy dose of supermodel genes, Heidi Klum also sticks to nutritious food 99.99% of the time, plus a daily workout, to keep looking and feeling good.

Heidi’s nutritionist Oz Garcia revealed her daily diet includes lots of wholefoods like scrambled eggs and spinach with fresh fruit for breakfast, chicken and vegetable stir-fry with rice for lunch, and salmon and salad for dinner.

Snacks are a small handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, a green juice, a boiled egg or some plain yoghurt.

Klum’s food choices are in line with the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating which includes recommendations that the foods that should make up our daily diet come from five major food groups.

These include vegetables and legumes or beans; fruit; lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, legumes or beans; grain foods, mostly wholegrain; milk, yoghurt, cheese or alternatives.

3. They put in the work

Like everyone, celebrities have to put in the work to get results. “What I know for sure is this: The big secret in life is that there is no big secret,” says Oprah.

“Whatever your goal for this year is, you can get there—as long as you’re willing to be honest with yourself about the preparation and work involved. There are no back doors, no free rides. There’s just you, this moment, and a choice.”

4. They have a team

While it can be easy to be envious when you see celebrities flaunting their fitness on Instagram, it’s important to remember that they have a whole team to back them up.

Nutritionists, personal trainers, stylists, dermatologists, chefs – with fame and money come many privileges and benefits.

So while it’s great to be inspired and learn fitness tips from our favourite celebs, remember not to put too much pressure on yourself – everyone’s health journey is different.


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