Because of the connection between the mind and body, perceptions play a pivotal role in wellbeing.
When you perceive an event to be supportive of your highest values, you tend to open up to it; when you perceive an event to be challenging your highest values, you tend to close down to it.
This has an impact on your metabolism and physiology which is turned on or off accordingly, depending on these initial perceptions of support or challenge.
Long term weight loss
Over-eating, over-indulging and poor food choices arise from deep-seated psychological impulses.
Therefore, if you want to lose weight in a way that is long-term and most beneficial to your ongoing wellbeing, it’s important to look beyond the food you eat and review the underlying reasons you eat what you do.
Successful weight loss arises from understanding the mind-body connection.
It’s easy to blame outer circumstances for this result. But external circumstances don’t determine your destiny as much as your perception of them, and the subsequent decisions and actions you take.
If you aren’t filling your day with enlightening and inspirational activities you can overfill your body with heavier compensations.
This is due to over-consuming behaviours generated within your amygdala, deep within your brain. Addictive, impulsive and immediately gratifying consumptive amygdala behaviours are your body’s way of compensating for unfulfilling and meaningless daily actions.
In contrast, when you fill your day with high-priority actions that have deep meaning and that inspire you, the executive centre within your outer forebrain comes online and self- governs these impulse behaviours.
Therefore, when you have truly inspiring actions planned ahead each day, with foresight, you have more self-governance and eat more moderately.
You eat to live more than just live to eat. Learn to understand what your highest values are, then fill your day with high-priority actions – the most inspiring daily actions that you can’t wait to do.
In this way, your day won’t fill up with low-priority eating distractions.
Check out our 10 steps for realistic weight loss
What is body dysmorphia?
In the modern age of Photoshop, image filters and aesthetic surgery, it’s easy to become infatuated with a body shape or image that isn’t realistic for you.
When you see someone you think is more attractive than you, you may compare yourself negatively to them. In doing so, you inject their values, behaviour and body image into your own.
This causes your value system to become disoriented, because you begin to experience conflict and self-loathing. Every decision you make is based on your own highest values.
If you’re losing weight to emulate somebody else, you have an internal conflict – a moral dilemma between what you strive for based on your own highest values and what you think you should be doing according to the values of those people that you admire.
This can lead to a dysmorphia between what you would love to be, do or have physically according to your own highest values and what you think you should be, do or have according to their values, affecting your self-image.
You don’t think you’re as beautiful as they are, when in fact your body may be doing fine according to your own true highest values.