Presidential hopeful and consummate wearer of pantsuits, Hillary Clinton, has launched her online merchandise store and it is a feat of marketing genius.
You can buy yourself a little piece of Clinton’s signature style with a pantsuit t-shirt print, the Everyday Pantsuit Tee ($30) which will bring, according to Clinton’s people, “a whole new meaning to casual Friday.” The back of the tee reads “Pantsuit Up”, which is a meme waiting to happen.
Clinton is clearly embracing her gender this time around (which might sound absurd but previously Clinton has tried to pretend to the world that she was not, in fact, a woman). Now she’s working really working the gender angle, because it’s really important (and the grandmother angle, too).
With that in mind, the hands down best things to buy on the website are the Progress Pint Glasses, made from “100% shattered glass ceilings,” and the cross stitched pillow with the words “A woman’s place is in the White House.”
You can also buy pins, totes and stickers.
Unfortunately you need to be an American citizen to be able to purchase the merch as it counts as $$ toward Clinton’s campaign, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find a friend to buy them for you. Your feminist soul needs this.