As we head into autumn, it might be a good idea to review your cold weather health routine. It has been over a year since you’ve had a chance to practice. We’ve compiled a quick list of five key ways to stay on top of your health and wellbeing this month. Many of these ways will guarantee a more enjoyable autumn for you and your family.
Allergies be gone
For some, allergens can make our lives miserable. Mould, dust and fallen pollen are all culprits of change of season sniffles and wheezes. The best way to tackle allergies is to see your doctor or local health practitioner and get tested. The clearer the triggers that affect you most are, the easier it will be to avoid them and address them more appropriately.
There are also new ways of treating seasonal allergies. Acupuncture, for instance, has emerged as one solution for what’s ailing you this autumn. The World Health Organisation believes acupuncture can provide benefits to those suffering from acute sinusitis, acute rhinitis, cold, acute tonsillitis and acute bronchitis. Botox has also emerged as a new treatment for sufferers of severe allergies. Be proactive and talk to your GP about your options today.
Cool weather fitness
As the days get shorter and the nights longer, motivation to keep up with your summer fitness routine can significantly drop. Exercising earlier in the day is one way of battling your change-of-season fatigue. Getting into an early workout routine will guarantee you stay on top of your health regimen. It will also free you up for more downtime in the afternoons to relax and unwind.
Another great way to keep moving as it gets cooler is by utilising household chores. Spend time gardening, raking leaves, cleaning out wardrobes, and packing away your summer gear. Including these jobs into your everyday activities will keep you moving all autumn long.
Try these simple yoga poses to start each day right and improve immunity and wellness.
Immunity Boosters
Now is the perfect time to boost your natural immunity. Give your body the best chance at defending yourself against some of those pesky change-of-season bugs that will soon be floating around – not to mention, the dreaded cold and flu season. Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches the five-element theory where foods are inextricably linked to season, flavour, colour, and organ. Foods that reflect the season’s colours are most beneficial to our bodies during that time of the year. Autumn is a season for white foods; think root vegetables, pears, radish, onions, garlic, white beans, winter melon, tofu, cauliflower and jicama – a type of turnip.
White foods are high in allicin. It reduces blood sugar and has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties purported to support the lungs and large intestine. Try also boosting your diet with foods that are naturally orange, red, yellow and deep greens – autumn-like colours. Think pumpkin, squash, oranges, carrots, lemons etc.
Fight the cold naturally with these delicious foods: Best immune boosters
Keep your eye on the sun
Even though it feels like the sun has disappeared, never to be seen again, that doesn’t mean the damaging effects for your skin aren’t still there. Whether you’re heading to the park to walk the dog, catching up with friends for a coffee or planning on doing some gentle exercise over the weekend, remember to always slip on a t-shirt, slop on a hat and slip on some sunscreen to protect your skin from premature ageing and even skin cancer. Read more about the importance of sunscreen here.