‘One child, one teacher, one book and one pen. They can change the World’
Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner has inspired a generation. Her bravery in the face of danger and activism in the name of children around the World has made her an icon.
Now a documentary following her incredible journey is set to be released later this year and it looks amazing. Directed by Davis Guggenheim of The Inconvenient Truth, the film looks like it’ll show more than the Malala we have seen in the media, offering a look into her life, not only as an activist but also as a teenager.
The trailer features her missing home and her friends in Pakistan whilst also giving us a rare insight into her family life.
‘This is my youngest brother. He’s a really good boy,’ she says, then turning to her other sibling and giggling, .’This is the laziest one!’
It’s so beautiful to observe Malala from a more personal angle. After all, she is a teenage girl who still has the same worries as others her age. The trailer shows her talking about her new school and even shyly blushing when being asked ‘do you think you’ll ever ask a boy out on a date?’ (she then admits that she fancies Roger Federer. Who doesn’t?)
That’s not to say that this documentary is focussed entirely on this inspirational young ladies’ home life. In a powerful moment in the clip, her father reveals the true origin of her name and her response is stunning.
‘You named her after a woman who spoke out and was killed. It’s almost as if you were setting her up to be different,’ he’s asked.
‘You’re right,’ he replies, smiling at the camera.
‘My father only gave me the name Malala. He didn’t make me Malala. I chose this life and now I must continue it.’
Although the documentary won’t be released until October 2nd, we’re still very excited to learn more about this incredible young lady.
Check out the trailer here: