Has Meghan Markel Quit ‘Suits’ Because of Engagement?


Chris Jackson/Getty Images
Chris Jackson/Getty Images
Wedding bells could be nearer than you think.

Meghan Markel is rumoured to have quit Suits, with an official engagement to Prince Harry expected before Christmas.

The 36-year-old American actress has reportedly quit her role as Rachel Zane on leading TV drama Suits, says The Daily Star, igniting rumours of an impending engagement announcement. Markel finishes filming next month, and is said to have neglected signing up for an eighth season. 

A source close to Markel claimed she is comfortable with the decision. “Meghan knows she can’t really act at the same time as being a princess and is happy to make this career sacrifice,” they told The Daily Star. “She really enjoys her charity work with Unicef and will broaden out her charity commitments when she becomes a full-time royal.”

Speculation that the pair are already secretly engaged has grown over the past months, with the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death thought to be a key reason for covering the news. It is believed they will announce their engagement in November, the same month Prince William and Kate Middleton announced their engagement in 2010.

Prince Harry introduced Markle to the Queen in September, reinforcing the seriousness of the couple’s relationship. 


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