Learn how to grow microgreens literally anywhere


Learn how to grow microgreens literally anywhere
Small yet nutritious, microgreens are prized by diners and chefs worldwide. Give them a go - with minimal effort and materials you'll be rewarded with healthy handfuls of green to enhance your meals!

Learn how to grow microgreens literally anywhere

Microgreens are a novelty of the last decade. Celebrities and chefs from all around the world followed healthy living trends and cleverly packaged and promoted something that Mother Nature has been doing forever: life on Earth from seeds!

You can grow microgreens literally anywhere. They are easy to grow, yet expensive to purchase and hard to find at your local grocer. You may wonder: “Why are microgreens expensive to buy when they are so easy to produce?” My answer would be the price tag is still on the premium end for this sought-after vegetable; microgreens should be consumed within a couple of days from harvesting, so commercial distribution is a tad challenging. Two good reasons to grow your own!

Microgreens are vegetable plants harvested straight after germination. As soon as the young plant has developed its first true leaves and shown an appetite towards sunlight, harvest it by cutting the stem above the soil.

There is a huge list of varieties to be cultured as microgreens: lettuces, peas, kale, chives, mustard, basil, parsley, wheatgrass, rocket and heirlooms available as seeds. Because of the delicate nature of the crop, microgreens are grown indoors where light and temperature can be controlled just enough to create the protected conditions for seeds germination.

To support germination, mist water every day to keep the soil moist; seeds laying on top of the soil must be tricked with darkness, so they feel they are sown below the surface. At this stage light is not necessary for their germination. Once seed leaves are out, move the tray under the light (artificial light is exceptionally good) or where natural light is available. Avoid direct sunlight!

Once the harvest has been completed, the tray can be flipped upside-down to free a solid mat of dense tangles roots and spent soil; a great source of organic matter and nitrogen, this waste should be incorporated into the soil preparation of your outdoor garden patch.

You could have as much as 1000 seeds per square metre when you grow microgreens! Seeds are sold in bulk for this intensified cultivation process. Seed bags may contain one type of seed or mixes of seeds so you can grow multiple varieties in the same spot. Always look for quality seeds and, where possible, organically and sustainably produced seeds.


You’ll need shallow plastic trays without drainage holes and good seed raising mix soil to get you started. Fill the tray with a 5cm-thick layer of moistened soil. Sprinkle surface with a thin mat of seeds. Use a mist sprayer to water daily.


Around 15 days after sowing, when the tray is like green carpet, microgreens can be harvested by using a sharp grass clipper. Hold a bunch with one hand and use the other hand to cut with the stems with a horizontal cut about 3cm above


Microgreens can typically last in the fridge for a week or so if stored quickly. You can refrigerate them, but keep them between damp paper towels. Make sure they are cold and covered in a resealable bag

Time Is Right

A relatively hassle-free crop and simple to grow at home, microgreens are ready to harvest in a very short time. To grow, place them in a sunny spot and keep them moist.

Recipe Using Microgreens

Try this delicious Brunch Bagel with microgreens.


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