Go meat free for Bowel Cancer

Go meat free for Bowel Cancer
Go meat free this week to support Bowel Cancer Australia and Beat Bowel Cancer New Zealand.

September 18-24th is Meat Free Week, which was created in 2013 to encourage people to consider the impacts of meat production and consumption.

Bowel Cancer Australia and Beat Bowel Cancer New Zealand launched Meat Free Week to promote overall better health. As studies show, bowel cancer risk increases according to the amount of processed red meat a person consumes. “Bowel cancer risk increases by 17% per 100g of red meat consumed per day,” says Bowel Cancer Australia’s Community Engagement Manager Claire Annear.

While Meat Free Week encourages a vegetarian diet for seven days, the organisation seeks to generate awareness around the benefits of reducing meat intake year-round. “Going meat free for seven days is a great way to get Aussies thinking about the amount of meat they eat, and cutting down to help reduce their bowel cancer risk,” Annear states.

Want to give Meat Free Week a go, but stuck on what to cook? Try our Zucchini Pasta with Lemon, Mint and Persian Feta (pictured above), and be sure to check out our Best Ever Vegetarian Recipes.

For more information visit meatfreeweek.org.


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