Fukushima Radiation: Deformed flowers show the cost of radiation on our These

By Kate Hassett

Fukushima Radiation: Deformed flowers show the cost of radiation on our These
This sad image is showing the cost of the Fukushima disaster on the world's wildlife.

This image, that looks like a scene out of Alice in Wonderland, is actually the cost of the Fukushima nuclear disaster – four years on.

These ‘daisies’ are thought to be the latest victim of nuclear radiation around the site of Fukushima. As you can see from the image, the otherwise quaint looking flowers have ‘blossomed’ into disfigured images of their former selves.

The images were posted unto an alarming public courtesy of @San_kaido from Nasushiobara city, about 110km from the disaster site.

The post read “The right one grew up, split into 2 stems to have 2 flowers connected each other, having 4 stems of flower tied belt-like…The atmospheric dose is 0.5 Sv/h at 1m above the ground.”

According to experts, the abnormal growth patterns of these flowers are caused by an hormonal imbalance. The same imbalance that can cause a plant to increase its normal weight or volume, is called cresting or fasciation.

This phenomenon is the latest in a string of reports about mutated fruits, vegetables and animals, appearing as a result of the 2011 nuclear meltdown.



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