It was a bold move for Karen Murrell to put her own name on her lipstick brand when she launched back in 2008. But almost ten years on, and Murrell’s all-natural, animal-friendly lipsticks have gone from strength to strength with one selling somewhere around the world every 6.3 seconds. We sat down with New Zealand’s lipstick queen to talk inspiration, her beauty philosophy and what the future holds.
Where her love of lipstick came from…
I’ve always loved lipstick. I’m a colour person, I’ve always been attracted to it. My nana was a very glamorous woman. That attraction to glamour and make-up was passed on by her. She was lovely and for Christmas and my birthday she would give me real make-up for my birthday from about the age of four. I remember sitting at her dining table painting my nails. I’ve always had that love.
The biggest lesson she’s learnt over the years…
Always sleep on it if you’re unsure. And what I’ve learnt through my business is that every country you take on, we’re all still people. And usually the people we deal with become really close friends, like family.
Her beauty philosophy…
To be kind. Being an international business woman is great, but nothing has given me more pleasure than being part of a family and being a wife. Life is about balance.
Her rules when it comes to wearing lipstick…
There shouldn’t be any rules; there’s no right or wrong colour. Lipstick is very intimate, it goes on your lips. It means something different for every woman. I personally have around seven lipsticks on the go at any given time and usually just reach for whatever is closest!
What she puts her success down to…
Setting small goals and bigger goals. It is something I’ve always had as a strength. I also have the advantage of being a third-generation Kiwi, which has given me a can-do attitude and makes me and my team incredibly hardworking. Success is looking forward to your next project and the happiness on your team or family’s face when projects are achieved.