Wearing a black sheer floral shirt, leather skirt and heels, Jennifer Aniston, 47, is at the Four Seasons in LA to promote her latest comedy, Mother’s Day (directed by Garry Marshall) in which she stars alongside Julia Roberts, Kate Hudson, and Jason Sudeikis. Aniston plays a divorced mother of two young sons who battles the trials and tribulations that most divorced parents experience – from custody arrangements – to accepting their ex-spouse’s new marriage.
The subject of mothering in general has been a contentious one for Aniston. She has been constantly plagued by rumours of pregnancies, and has had battles with her own mother who wrote a book, in 1999, titled From Mother to Daughter to Friends: a Memoir, about their turbulent relationship.
MiNDFOOD catches up for a quick chat with Aniston. As always, she laughs easily and appears very easy going.
What appealed to you about this role?
Garry Marshall is the reason I think most of us said yes to this. Since I was a kid, watching Happy Days or The Odd Couple or Laverne and Shirley and all of his incredible movies, so almost without even reading a script I said yep. He really does a beautiful job on touching on the different scenarios of family units we have today.
Do you want your mum to see this? What will you do on Mothers’ Day with her?
She sees all my movies so that’s not a hard decision. I don’t know what we’ll do, we never know till the day comes.
What was it like being in a movie with two other romcom stars like Julia Roberts and Kate Hudson? Were you friends already?
It was so much fun but it was kind of a tease because I only had a day with Julia and two days with Kate. I’ve known them both for many years. I’ve known Kate for almost 20 years – let’s just say a long time and Julia same, but we’ve never had an opportunity to do something together.
What qualities do you think you have inherited from your mother, the ones you love and the ones you hate?
She has a great sense of humour, and my dad. Qualities I hate? I’m a nervous driver. When I would drive, she would always scream, maybe because I’m a nervous driver she’d scream! But I’m a nervous driver – Well a nervous passenger more than driver. I’m a great driver so when I’m a passenger … I’m a nervous passenger. I’m making no sense (Laughs)
What were some of the funny moments in the film?
That clown freaked me out. I really have a fear of clowns! Boy he was scary!
The movie doesn’t concentrate on the craziness of motherhood but more about the woman herself. Did it give you an insight into your own mother’s life?
I always had an appreciation for my mum and for being a single mum. I’ve always had a great appreciation for women who are working mums, single mums, that is not lost on me.
What are your thoughts about motherhood? Has playing a mother in this film changed them?
I’ve played mums for years. I think it’s an incredible thing. I see all my friends who are mums, and my mum and all of our friend’s mums; this doesn’t change how I feel about motherhood though. It’s incredible.
What do you think of the idea its just one day a year to celebrate mothers? It’s not really enough.
I agree with you, I think every day should be Valentines Day, Fathers’ day, all of them, not just one day a year.
In the movie you’re wearing yoga pants most of the time. Is that your standard dress code when lounging around at home?
No. I do jeans and a T-shirt or boxers – lets get personal huh?
Now you mention it, I read you get your T-shirts altered and someone in the fashion world tried to replicate that, is it true?
Yes, it’s true. I would take the sleeve in or something. Sometimes they are a perfect T-shirt and sometimes they need some tweaks.
The poster for this film says this is a ‘mother of a holiday’. What is your favorite holiday of the year?
We enjoy Thanksgiving. You’re allowed to eat at home, take naps and you’re allowed to have another meal later. It’s family day. It’s about being grateful.
Mother’s Day is in cinemas in Australia and New Zealand on 28 April 2016.