Five Minutes with Jane Lynch

By Michele Manelis

Five Minutes with Jane Lynch
Comedic actress Jane Lynch sat down with MiNDFOOD to discuss her new movie, life after glee and moving forward.

Award-winning comedic actress Jane Lynch is gearing up for her next starring role in the comedy, Angel from Hell playing an alcoholic guardian angel of a neurotic doctor (Maggie Larson).  She takes time out to chat to MiNDFOOD.

What do you like about your character in Angel from Hell?

I love that she’s a mess (laughs).  But I don’t want to talk too much about it yet.  It starts later on in the year.

Many people celebrated the decision the Supreme Court made about gay marriage.  What are your thoughts?

It’s all about love and I think having laws around who can love each other is a ridiculous thing so it’s about time all that stuff went away.

How is your experience of marriage?

I am divorced!  I am a gay divorcee! (laughs) I think people should do whatever they want. I don’t have anything I could share with you anyway without getting far too intimate so don’t push me or I’ll start talking about it!

You’re in your fifties, and newly single; was it a conscious decision not to have children?

I have never made a decision not to have children and I never thought I wanted to have children (laughs) so it’s a non-issue for me; I guess I never thought about it.

What would you say to your younger self if you could?

Relax and don’t worry so much. I was a big worrier. That’s what I would say; simply that.

So, when did you learn to relax?

I think it was probably my late 30s or early 40s when I stopped worrying when the next job would come, and you know what, the jobs started coming like crazy.  There’s a technique I learned to do and it’s like breathing and settling yourself in spite of what your body is doing.

What do you think about when you look back on Glee?  What do you miss about it?

The steady employment of a place to go and play a character that was so outrageous and so well-written.  Every week made my jaw drop, it was just a joy.  I loved working with all of those people. I still keep in touch with Matt Morrison and Chris Colfer lives down the street from me and so I see these guys a lot.

Would you be up for a Glee movie?

Oh sure.  If they paid me enough (laughs).  No, seriously, I would absolutely be up for it.

What’s your view on the much-discussed debate that women in Hollywood are not making
 as much as money as male actors?

That’s a worldly problem that I don’t concern myself with. It’s a male dominated society and it just is what it is.  As far as the movie industry is concerned, if you drive down Sunset Boulevard and look at the posters, if you were from another planet, you wouldn’t know that women existed (laughs) because there are no women on the posters.  But TV is a great place right now.  It’s very, very equal and there are many female show runners.  I try not to focus too much on it.  I don’t know what we should do about it but we should get up every day, do your work and stay in your heart. That’s what changes things.  It’s an inside game. We need to work on ourselves.”



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