Where does your inspiration come from?
Living in Aotearoa it’s very hard not to be inspired by our natural surroundings. I grew up in a small town at the top of New Zealand and I think in hindsight, that this has had a massive impact on how I view things, and what gets my artistic juices flowing. As an established artist, I now find that travel is a massive part of pushing my boundaries, and exploring new subject matter. Spending time in new places, and travelling with a sense of purpose is what really inspires me now, as I allow for these experiences to feed back into the work I’m producing.
What’s your goal with the artwork you create?
One of the goals I always set for myself is that the next piece I paint will be my best. I love to push myself into unknown territory, working with different mediums, and in new environments.
What do you love most about being an artist?
I LOVE what I do. I love that every day is so different and I’m humbled to be doing what I am passionate about and calling all the shots. I think it’s that sense of independence that is my biggest driver, there’s nothing better than feeling completely in control of your destiny!
What enticed you to collaborate with Orcon?
I was attracted to being a part of the Orcon Designer Series as I genuinely saw it as something that was going to create a positive change to a wide variety of New Zealanders. I for one, normally have my modem stuffed into a closet out of sight! Being tucked away like this does nothing but minimise the functionality of the device, so what a great idea to have really beautiful modem options that not only look great in your space, but will actually function at 100%. Art Meets Tech!
Tell us about the work you have created for the Orcon campaign.
The brief I set for myself was to go bright and fruity with colour, but perhaps more importantly, to really juxtapose the “tech” element with the great outdoors. From a day to day point of view, most of us are stuck inside at the computer, and so I thought this was a brilliant opportunity to bring some life back into the indoor working environment. What was it like to work with other notable Kiwi creatives on this campaign? It’s always a good vibe working alongside other Kiwi Creatives. The more I travel, the more I realise just how world standard we are down here, but what I love is how humble we are about it! Go Kiwis!