In modern western culture we don’t much by way of rituals when it comes to managing grief and sadness.
Many people focus on how to relieve uncomfortable feelings and while that pragmatic approach may be positive, it does not allow space to experience these very human and universal emotions.
Han Baltussen, Hughes Professor of Classics at the University of Adelaide says,”grief management has come a long way, but there’s still no one method to apply to every individual case. This strikes at the heart of the paradox of grief and consolation: we all consider our grief unique, while seeing how the phenomenon is universally experienced.”
What can you do to soothe yourself when you experience sadness and grief?
How to help yourself through grief
1. Recognise and acknowledge your feelings. Don’t minimise it.
2. Take more care than usual since you are more prone to accidents and illness after a traumatic event.
3. Avoid stimulants such as coffee and cigarettes.
4. Don’t use substances such as alcohol to numb the pain.
5. Plan your days to give structure around the inner chaos.
6. Don’t isolate yourself; spend time with other people.
7. Avoid making big life decisions at this time.
8. Get support. Talk to your GP or contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.