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Fashion Revolution: who made your clothes?


Fashion designer Akira Isogawa joins the Fashion Revolution. Image via Fashion Revolution Facebook page
Fashion designer Akira Isogawa joins the Fashion Revolution. Image via Fashion Revolution Facebook page
The question we need to ask: where do our clothes come from?

In the days of fast fashion and quick fixes, it, sadly, can take a tragedy such as the Rana Plaza factory collapse on April 24, 2013, that killed 1129 people to make real changes to the lives of those working to fill our insatiable desires for what’s next.

After the tragedy there were calls for changes to the conditions for the people working to create that $10 top top you bought for your night out, ethical fashion and transparency around how our clothes are made. A number of fashion retailers signed The Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Safety, which was developed by unions and the industry to a legally binding pledge for safer and fairer conditions for factory workers.

And consumers are putting their money where their mouth is, and thinking about where their clothes come from.

Today, on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse, is Fashion Revolution Day. Events are being held all around the world, including documentary screenings and clothes swaps. The organisers behind the day are encouraging people to wear their clothes inside out with the label showing and to take a photo of the label to post to social media under the hashtag #whomademyclothes.

One of the organisers of Fashion Revolution Day in Australia, Melinda Tually, told The Sydney Morning Herald

“There’s a massive number of consumers wanting the answers. It’s very much people on the ground putting on their own events, going to their retailers and asking them to tell them where their clothes are from.”

And asking those questions is the first step toward a fashion revolution.


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