For many of us, December is jam-packed with social gatherings and Christmas events.
But with so much eating and drinking, all of the festive cheer can lead to feeling tired and sluggish.
To help combat this, Robin Kendall, pilates instructor at East of Eden, has offered her top exercises for supporting the digestive system and helping to debloat in just 10 minutes.
Roll Up
Start by lying on your back with your spine and pelvis in neutral position, legs straight and together with feet pointed, and arms overhead with palms facing each other
Inhale. Lift the arms up and forward, followed by the head and chest.
Exhale. Roll up maintaining a ‘C’ curve of the spine until the shoulders are aligned above the hip joints and the arms are forward parallel to the floor – keep the head in line with the curve of the spine. Inhale and pause. Exhale. Roll down, returning to start position.
Criss Cross
Begin by lying on your back, knees bent, shins parallel to the floor, chest and head lifted, fingers interlaced behind the head, elbows wide. Exhale: Straighten one leg, rotate toward bent knee. Inhale before switching legs. Maintain trunk flexion at consistent height. Exhale. Straighten the other leg, rotate toward bent knee. Inhale and switch legs.
Cat Stretch
Start on all fours with hands directly underneath the shoulders and knees under the hip joints, spine and pelvis in neutral position. Exhale. Draw the front abdominal wall back towards the spine, gently pull the tailbone (coccyx) under as you posteriorly tilt the pelvis, lift the upper truck slightly towards the ceiling – keep the head in line with the curve of the spine. Inhale and return to start position. Exhale. Extend the upper spine – flattening the natural curve in the upper back. Inhale and return to start position.