Espresso your support for men’s health during November!

Espresso your support for men’s health during November!
AppleJack Hospitality are showing their support for men’s health this November by launching Espresso Mo-Tini month, with a game across their six venues to raise money and awareness.

AppleJack Hospitality are showing their support for men’s health this November by launching Espresso Mo-Tini month, with a game across their six venues to raise money and awareness.

For those of us unable to grow the required 70’s porno style tash during November #MoTag is a game to embrace. The rules are simple. All you need to do is head to any of the Applejack venues (The Botanist, Bondi Hardware, SoCal, The Butler, Della Hyde & Endeavour Tap Rooms), order an espresso martini, take a sip and leave the foam on your stache. Snap a selfie with the foam on your mo, upload to Instagram or Facebook and use the hashtag #MoTag. Then tag a mate to mo-minate them to do the same. That’s it. Simples!

Men are facing a health crisis that isn’t being talked about. They are dying too young, before their time. Applejack promises to raise much needed funds for this cause, and donate $5,000 to Movember if they sell over 5,000 Espresso Martinis across their six venues throughout November. Even their bartenders are getting involved and growing mo’s to fundraise. So start making a difference, one martini at a time!

To get involved, view the Live MoTag Tracker and find out more visit



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