When we spoke to Drew Barrymore in May 2017, the 42-year-old actress, producer and designer was surprisingly down-to-earth and honest for a celebrity of her status. She wasn’t afraid to address her complicated past or recent divorce, and said she had learned to laugh when things went badly. “You have to be open to laughing at how ironic your life vision was and how totally different it is now”, she reflected. “My whole life plan was shot to shit, but I’m happy with where I sit now.”
Since then, the star has been busy growing her clothing label Dear Drew and starring in Netflix comedy Santa Clarita Diet. But a recent interview proves that Drew is still as genuine as she was last year.
She understands what it’s like to be a working mum
Drew divorced from her husband of four years and the father of her two daughters in 2016, and has remained a devoted mum since. “I put my kids first and everything else falls second”, she told us last year. “I feel like every mum. It’s never enough and you feel like you should be living and breathing your children 24/7”. Earlier this week, the star told Stella Magazine that: “It’s a mother’s curse and blessing to care so much about their kids. Every parent probably feels this way: like it’s never enough, and you want to do more. I know I’m working hard, but when my children are first in my life, that’s when I have the balance right.”
She puts skincare above plastic surgery
“I’ve never done anything to my face and I want to keep it that way for as long as possible”, she said. “I believe in skincare over anything invasive – techniques to help you look and feel better”. The star, who struggles with Bipolar disorder, said that mental health is more important to her than physical appearance. “For me, mental health and happiness is the most important thing, and everything else is just a cherry on top to make it look a little more polished”.
She wears Crocs
Not only does she love Crocs, Drew has actually designed a pair. “I wear Crocs all the time, sticking out from a cute little vintage dress”, she said. “People think that they’re a comfort shoe, but I’m obsessed. I’ve been trying to get hold of the Christopher Kane ones for ages.”
Her friends are her family
Drew says that her friendships are extremely important to her. The star is good friends with fellow actresses Cameron Diaz and Gwyneth Paltrow, and understands the value of such relationships. “They’re everything – my girlfriends were my original family”, she says. “They are who I have always turned to, so they’re right up there with what’s most important to me. A lot of us are parents now and we can get so lost in parenthood”, she added. “But we take a lot of trips together and it reminds you that you are an individual and you did have a life before the kids. We have these mass text chains and someone will say, ‘OK, this place, these dates,’ and suddenly everyone’s going, ‘Ding ding ding, let’s go run free together as women.'” When we spoke to Drew in 2017, she also said she doesn’t have time for ingenuine people. “I’ve never been around women who are catty. I just don’t play that field”, she said. “We should lift each other up”.
She refuses to buy full-price designer fashion
Despite being worth US$1.25 million, Drew said she can’t bring herself to purchase high-end designer wear for the full price. “I know what’s happening in fashion and have a stylist to get me dressed for red carpets, but I tend not to be a purchaser of high-end stuff because I just can’t bring myself to pay the prices”, she admitted. “I do love [online shop] The Outnet though – sometimes you can find designer pieces for, like, 80% off and you think, “OK, now I can justify this.”‘