Dad helps sick baby “feel brave” by building him Iron Man costume

By Mariam Digges

Dad helps sick baby “feel brave” by building him Iron Man costume
This dad wanted his sick baby to "feel brave", so he built him an Iron Man costume.

Eric Hart wanted his son to feel brave on his first Halloween. That’s why the professional prop maker decided to build him a superhero costume for the occasion.

Little baby Collier, born prematurely in July, has been in hospital ever since.

Speaking to TODAY, Hart said: “I came up with Iron Man because he’s been hooked up to all those machines and wires, and that’s similar to what Iron Man went through.”

Consulting the nurses first about whether it would be safe to dress his sick son up, Hart then set out to make his costume, tracking its progress via a video which you can watch at the bottom of this post.

Baby Collier was able to wear the mask for just a minute, but that was long enough for a family photo to be taken.

Watch the video that has been touching people all over the world below.



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