Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Great for: Balance and focus. Standing, bring weight onto right foot and lift left knee up. Reach left hand along the inside of your leg, until able to hold your big toe. Extend the left leg out in front as far as you can. Keep back straight and shoulders back. Hold, then lower foot. Repeat on other side.
Great for: Blood circulation, calming nerves. Lie down with legs together. Raise legs to a 90˚ angle. Pressing the floor with your palms, lift the waist and bring legs up. Holding waist with palms, straighten legs to a 90˚ angle to the floor, body weight resting on shoulder blades. Rest elbows on floor, palms supporting body. Hold, then slowly lower arms, back and finally legs.
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Great for: Hips, back and neck. Sit with left knee lifted and left foot on outside of right leg, which is bent with the right foot on the outside of the left hip. Place left arm behind you and bend the right arm so you can hook the elbow behind the left knee as you twist to the left. Move deeper into the twist. Stay for 5 to 8 breaths. Repeat on other side.
Great for: Opening up belly, chest and shoulders. Start on knees, body upright. Rest heels of hands on lower back, fingers pointing down. Pull thighs back so hips are still over your knees. Breathe deeply, drawing shoulders back as you lift the chest. Exhale and start your back bend, keeping chest lifted and without crunching the neck or lower back. Hold, then place hands on front hip bones and lift back up, inhaling.
Vrksasana (tree pose)
Great for: Increasing balance and concentration; strengthens ankles and knees. Stand with feet together, inner ankles and inner knees touching. Bring hands together at the centre of the chest. Shift your weight onto your right foot, then bend your left knee, reaching down to clasp your left ankle. Place the sole of the left foot on the inner right thigh or on the inside of the ankle or calf. Avoid the inside of the knee. Turn left knee to the side, pressing your foot against the inner thigh. Bring your hands in front of your heart or lift arms up to the ceiling. Maintain for about 1 minute. Repeat on the other side. Make the pose easier by bringing arms out to the sides for more stability.