Winner #1: R. Kriss-Newell
Our eyes met over a crowded bus
The air was so electric
He pushed his way past one, then four
To get to where I stood
He gave a big smile
My heart skipped a beat
I thought he would continue on
But he stopped to say ‘hello’ to me
Then asked me out- fear gone!
From that day on we haven’t parted
And the years have flown on by
We were childhood sweethearts back at school
And now 25 years have gone by
I think back to that fateful day
So thankful he came my way
Fused at the hip, the school kids would say
And it is no different this very day.
Winner #2: F. Michael
I first met by partner while on a scooter when I was four years old. I crashed into her at the park while playing, and broke my arm. 16 years later, while jogging at the same park where we first met, I started running with a young lady whom it turned out was that same girl, yet older (and much better looking!). We then began dating, and haven’t looked back since – four years on.
Winner #3: K. James
I came to Australia as a 19-year-old on a working holiday, and I met a young surfer at the beach. We went out a few times. One warm summer evening, we were sitting up on the lifeguard tower at Manly Beach, when a large ocean liner sailed past. I said to him, “I’m going to South Africa on that and then home.” He looked at me, horrified, and said, “No, don’t go, stay here – marry me, and we’ll go together.” I said, “Okay…”
That was 40 years ago. I still havent been to South Africa, but who cares.
Winner #4: A. Collins
I was working as a volunteer on youth camp, and my now hubby was a cook.
We had hit it off straight away, and after a few camps, he finally asked me out.Unfortunately, the morning of our arranged date, he had called me to confirm, and I couldn’t take the call as I had an ear infection and was asleep…
He got my Dad, who said I wasn’t available… tried again, and got my Dad again. Dad sternly told that I was well and not to call again…
Finally, he called one last time, and I was finally awake and very keen to hear from him.
He told me later that he thought I was trying to pass on the date, by getting Dad to make up an excuse for me…
We planned our date later and 15 years later, we still laugh at our near not-to-be first date.
W. Osborne
Due to the earthquake in Christchurch, the organisation I work for was kindly offered accommodation located within Antarctica NZ. I first noticed their Network Engineer diligently working away, and was determined to meet him. I used every excuse in the book to seek advice on computer issues. It took awhile for him to take the hint that I fancied him. So for all the devastation the earthquakes caused, it lead me to the love of my life.