Thirty years on it’s now the nation’s largest community-based environmental event, with more than 17.7 million Australians having donated their time as part of Clean Up Australia activities over the last 30 years.
A whopping 365,000+ ute loads of rubbish have been removed, and today the focus for the organisation is preventing the rubbish from entering the environment, as well as removing what has already been accumulated.
Plastic is still the major source of rubbish, making up approximately 39% of all types of rubbish. When it comes to individual items cigarette butts are the main types of garbage, followed by chips and confectionery wrappers and plastic bottle caps and lids.
In 2020 Clean Up Australia is celebrating its 30th birthday on Sunday March 1, and they are hoping to have 700,000 volunteers out at 8,000 sites. You can register your involvement at