These amazing metal bouquets are made from old silverware. They are the creation of Brisith artist Ann Carrington, and form part of her most recent series “Bouquets and Butterflies” as was recently shown at The Royal College of Art.
Carrington says that she has always been interested in everyday objects, “I have always been interested in discarded, found and multiples of objects,” she told The Royal College of Art. “ All objects are saturated with cultural meaning, which as an artist I seek to explore, unravel and investigate.”
Carrington melds the cutlery together to present them as beautiful floral sculptures, making us consider the objects in a new light. “I merge materials with form to tell a story through objects that are familiar to us all,” she said.
Carrington studied at Bourneville College of Art in Birmingham and graduated from the Royal College of Art in 1987. Her career has been highly lauded, with Carrington winning the Herbet Read Award and the Commonwealth Fellowship for Sculpture.
She has also been commissioned to make significant international works, such as an awareness project for the United Nations in 2010; as well as creating the Royal Jubilee Banner for the Queen’s diamond Jubilee.
You can find out more about Carrington and her work by visiting her website here
Click through our gallery above to see more of Carrington’s work from “Bouquets and Butterflies”. All images courtesy of the artist.