With a social life that is ever-more focused on social media, avoiding comparisons to others is near impossible. It’s easy to forget that what a person chooses to post on social media is the “best” version of their life and not an actual reflection of who they are on a daily basis. This is especially impactful when it comes to body positivity.
A survey of 1,100 women aged between 18-54 by Refinery29 revealed that 42% of women feel worse about their bodies after looking at social media. Additionally, women are working out more to promote feelings of self-worth and positivity. 74% were working out to get toned and 55% to lose weight. On a more general scale, 69% have felt judged based on their bodies.
Thankfully, women are feeling more positive about their bodies. While only 2% are completely happy with their bodies, 54% were mostly happy with their bodies. And almost 80% of women feel totally positive at least some of the time.