There have been numerous scientific studies showing the damaging effect bisphenol A (BPA) has on the human body, and your health.
The chemical that was used to make certain plastics including food containers and hygiene products has been found to be an endocrine disruptor, affecting fertility and is linked to heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, asthma and more.
Many manufacturers now use alternative bisphenols, including BPS to replace BPA, but researchers from Washington State University have found that these alternatives are not without problems. In fact, the research shows that the replacement bisphenols produce remarkably similar chromosomal abnormalities to those seen in the BPA studies.
Researcher Penny Hunt of Washing State University said that more work is needed to determine whether some replacement bisphenols might be safer than others. She also suspects that other widely used and endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including parabens, phthalates, and flame retardants, may be having similarly adverse affects on fertility that also require more study.
Hunt’s advice to consumers now is to avoid using damaged plastic, “plastic products that show physical signs of damage or aging cannot be considered safe.”
Advocacy group Safer Chemicals Healthy Families offers the following advice for reducing your exposure to bisphenols:
- Avoid canned food as bisphenols is often used for the lining.
- Consider buying food in glass jars.
- Try to avoid using plastic for storage.
- Keep your plastics cool and avoid heating them in the microwave.
- Use glass or stainless steel water bottles.