With the plethora of fad diets out there at the moment, it can be hard to figure out what’s actually good for you and what’s not. Instead of jumping on the fad-diet bandwagon, try these simple tips for a healthy approach to eating that’s actually easy to maintain.
1. Downgrade your plate size
How full you feel isn’t just about how much food you have eaten. Plate and portion size have a lot to do with it too. Try switching out your large plate or bowl for a smaller one but keep your serving size the same. Your eyes will trick your stomach into thinking there’s more food on the smaller plate or bowl and you’ll feel fuller faster.
Another handy tip is to load up a large plate with colourful vegetables and put anything unhealthy on a smaller plate.
2. Embrace mindfulness when eating
There’s not a lot that mindfulness isn’t good for and being mindful when you eat is no exception. Instead of switching on the TV, scrolling through Facebook or catching up on work emails, find a quiet spot to enjoy your meal and actually think about the food that you’re putting in your mouth. Don’t rush your meal; slow down and think about the flavours and textures. You’ll find you feel fuller.
3. Stock up on healthy snacks
These days it’s far too easy to reach for a chocolate biscuit when hunger pangs strike. While eating regular meals will help keep hunger at bay, having a selection of healthy snacks on standby will help you avoid sugar and fat-laden treats. Try our favourite healthy snack recipes here.
4. Meal prep is key
If you find yourself starting the week well – healthy lunch, tick; healthy snacks, tick; – and falling out of routine by Wednesday, it might be a good idea to consider meal prepping on a Sunday night. Investing in a few hours in the kitchen at the end of the weekend is one of the easiest and most effective ways to stick to your healthy eating plan throughout the week.
5. Portion it out
Before you reach for that chocolate bar, a bag of chips or flavoured milk, flip over the packaging and take a closer look at the nutritional information. Snack foods that are high in fat or sugar might look like they should be a single serving, but if you look closely at the servings per package, you’ll often find there’s more than one serving per package.
6. Think about nutritional value
Sticking to a healthy eating plan isn’t always as simple as calories in versus calories out. That’s because not all calories are created equal. Eating a high-protein lunch with a good serving of vegetables is not the same as eating a smaller lunch from a fast-food joint, even if the total calories are the same. So forget about sneaking in that treat because it only has a certain amount of calories and opt for whole foods that are packed with nutritional value.
Try some of our favourite healthy recipes:
Red Onion & Carrot Cous Cous Salad