What inspired you to co-write “50 Foods That Will Change Your Life”?
From personal experiences, Emma Sutherland was my naturopath. I started seeing Emma for nutrition and health advice in 2006, firstly for endometriosis and general illness and secondly, as a recipe and product developer for the past 17 years. I have and continue to have a very indulgent and unhealthy food intake most days. In 2009 I was feeling fantastic (health wise) after following Emma’s naturopathic medicine to help with my health issues. With Emma’s amazing nutrition expertise and with my passion for food, I asked Emma to collaborate and write a health food cookbook with me and 50 Foods That Will Change Your Life was created. Writing the book has allowed me to keep my health issues under control and food choices on track, as it is important that when I am outside of the work environment I ensure that I make healthy food choices and nourish my body with the right foods, so that I have the energy and vitality to live my busy lifestyle.
What, in your eyes, is the main contributing factor to the obesity epidemic?
In my opinion, the obesity epidemic is due to a lack of responsibility and knowledge from everyday people about not knowing what are the right types and amount of foods to be consuming in a daily diet. I think in today’s busy lifestyles and accessibility to a vast variety of fast food, packaged foods and dining out options, it is very easy for people to often over-eat and indulge in foods that are high in fat/salt/sugar without really knowing it.
In your book, you touch on the effects of the current processed food epidemic on whole ecosystems of countries. Can you tell me more about this?
I think you’re referring the foreword written by Professor Thierry Vanicaille, who comments on the use of unnecessary ingredients in product manufacturing such as palm oil production that has altered the entire ecosystem (plants, animals, water) of provinces in countries such as Indonesia.
What are some easy tips we can incorporate into our daily diet to improve our health?
– Follow a simple food routine;
- Always look for fresh seasonal fruit & vegetables (preferably organic).
– Avoid packaged and processed food
– Eliminate foods containing artificial colours, flavours, additives, hydrogenated fats and flavour enhancers
– Read food labels and avoid foods that contain high amounts of saturated fat, gluten and/or sugar
What sets this cookbook apart from other nutrition-focused cookbooks out there?
Our book is to inspire women that food really can be your medicine; by eating foods that address your specific health complaints, you can make a profound difference to your vitality.
Where do you stand on the raw food debate? Is raw really better for us?
I prefer to eat mostly fresh, organic and seasonal fruit and vegetables raw –either grated in salads or juiced, as they are higher in nutritional value then cooked or dried, however some vegetables such as potatoes need to be cooked before eaten.
50 Foods That Will Change Your Life by Emma Sutherland and Michelle Thrift is out now through Penguin.