5 simple tips to improve your fitness today


5 simple tips to improve your fitness today

Don’t let your fitness be the first thing to fall off your busy schedule. Learn how to work in a workout – and make your efforts at a healthy, balanced lifestyle really effective.

Here’s how with a simple 5-step program:

Plan ahead

While it might sound boring, when you take the time to get organised, you eliminate the excuses often used to justify missing a workout. Schedule your workouts in your diary like you do other appointments. Allocating time to your fitness goals during the week will have a positive influence on your consistency and, in turn, your results.

You are what you eat

Nutrition is 50 per cent of everything you want to achieve in fitness and health. You’ve heard it 1,000 times before, but the key to good nutrition is whole foods, fruits and vegetables. Also, make sure you are drinking water regularly throughout the day. Dehydration can stimulate the hunger response, making you feel sluggish and unmotivated.

Small acts count

Something is better than nothing. Doing small positive things consistently across every aspect of your health will eventually build up to big results. For example, if you’ve run out of time for a big workout, try squeezing in a 15-minute bodyweight workout or even a quick stretch. Doing something active for your body each day – even if it is something small – will help you create a great habit.

The spice of life

Variety is key. Your body and mind love variety. Try to mix up your training routine during the week, whether that means performing different exercises each time you are in the gym, or doing a different style of training each day. Variety keeps your body guessing, which means it needs to work that little bit harder to keep up with the changing stimulus. Walking, yoga, cycling, surfing, tennis – the options are endless. Aim to try something completely new every once in a while for added spark.

Quality not quantity

It is important to be present during your workout. This means making sure you are in the zone, motivated and ready to give it your all. While many think the length of a workout is key, performing a focused 20-minute workout, harnessing all of your attention, is so much more effective than simply going through the motions for an hour.


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