Happiness at work pays off. For yourself, when you are happy, you are healthier, more vital, more cheerful, more social and more successful.
Happiness at work is about meaningful work, healthy relationships, development and having fun. And about stopping unnecessary rules, powerplay, complicated processes and procedures, absenteeism, unmotivated colleagues and terrible managers.
But, this is often all easier said than done. So, how then can we become happier at work? Consider these scientifically proven approaches:
Start the day on a good note: How you feel in the morning affects how you feel at work for the rest of the day. In one study, researchers analyzed the moods and performance of customer service representatives. Those who were in a good mood in the morning were more productive during the day and reported having more positive interactions with customers. So make it a point to do something in the morning that makes you feel good, such as a short fitness class in the morning before work.
Learn new skills: Doing the same thing day in and day out can grow tiresome, so try to change things up a bit and keep challenging yourself to learn new skills. Taking the time to learn new skills and take on new tasks at work can improve feelings of satisfaction and happiness. It can also keep you motivated and inspired, which can have a positive effect on your feelings of overall satisfaction and happiness.
Help a co-worker out: Research continues to show that altruism – helping others – actually makes us feel happier. When you prioritise lending a hand to a co-worker in need, you are actually creating a healthy mental reward system for yourself that promotes self-satisfaction. So, go ahead, take 10 minutes to help with that difficult project, and feel the lasting effects all week.
Acknowledge progress: Acknowledging yourself and your team for the progress they make throughout the day can boost happiness levels in the workplace. When you acknowledge good work, it helps to boost feelings of confidence and self-assurance. Everyone likes to be noticed for the work they do, and you can make a significant difference by simply praising your co-workers for work they have done.
End your workday with a simple gratitude pause: Be thankful for your career and job, and what has been achieved. If you share something positive about your day with someone else, even better. Research shows that discussing positive experiences with others enhances how good you feel about them and increases their after-effect.