4-year-old Leukaemia patient gets pretend wedding of her dreams

By Kate Hassett

4-year-old Leukaemia patient gets pretend wedding of her dreams
This brave little girl's dream came true when her favourite nurse organised the (pretend) wedding of her dreams.

Abby isn’t quite like other little girls. She is currently battling Pre-B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, and as such has spent many-an-hour in the Melodies Centre at Albany Medical Centre in New York.

During her time spent in the centre, with around the clock care from a select few, she became exceptionally fond of a particular nurse.  The nurse in question was one, Matt Hickling, a nurse who had been caring for Abby throughout her illness. When Abby had mentioned to her mother, repeatedly, that Matt was the man she wanted to marry, Abby’s mother went about creating a moment of happiness sure to take her child’s mind of her harrowing treatment.

She went to work, with the help of other nurses and volunteers at the hospital, to organise a pretend wedding – an event Matt was only too happy to participate in, according to a CBS News report.

“Our patient shyly asked me to marry her,” Matt wrote on his Facebook page. “I didn’t hesitate to say yes, I got a HUGE hug and we sealed the deal with ring pops being placed on our fingers!”In less than 24-hours, the “wedding” ceremony was organised and so the two were “married” in a room of other patients – who had become fast friends of Abby, staff form the centre and Abby’s mother.A local florist donated all the flowers, a bakery donated her dream wedding cake and Abbey even got to ride around in a gorgeous pink mini car with ‘just married’ written on the back.

The day provided a much-needed reprieve form the relentless treatment Abbey had been going through over the past year.

“I just want to thank all the people for sharing Abby and Matts story! I love that the awareness is out there and that her clinic and Matt are getting so much attention. They deserve the recognition! They make our visits so much easier and truly get to know their patients! It’s truly amazing!” wrote Abbey’s mother on The Amazing Abbey Facebook page.



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