August 2010

Why having balanced blood sugar matters

Many of us never consider the impact our blood sugar levels have on our wellbeing, unless we encounter a major issue. SRW’s new range of supplements helps support the balance of sugar levels and supports living well for longer. ...


The Style Files: High on freaky fashion

Fashion editor Penny Hunt offers her expert advise on the latest trends, must-have accessories and designer inspiration from the heady world of fashion.

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Cold weather skin

Here are some top tips on adjusting your routine for winter and tackling the most common cold-weather beauty woes, MiNDFOOD reports.

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INOA: A slice of luxury

For me a trip to the hairdresser for a cut and colour is a small slice of luxury. I’m left with little choice but to relax for a few hours.

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The benefits of hot stone massage

For many, massage is a treatment which requires no introduction. The benefits of touch are plentiful, so why add hot stones to your relaxation routine? MiNDFOOD reports.

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Get Motivated

Autonomy and a clear sense of purpose is often the key to self-motivation. Here’s a few tips for fostering autonomy at work and in the home.

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Classic soups

Jimmy McIntyre reveals the classic (and not-so-classic) soup recipes he finds most comforting throughout winter.

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Curling sticks at the ready

Michael McHugh heads into the cold of Central Otago to visit the triumphant winners of the National Bonspiel.

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Renewable energy

MiNDFOOD’s environmental columnist is the president 
of Earth Day Network and 
says clean, renewable energy 
is the key to our future.

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