New bone growth treatment developed for sufferers of osteoporosis

By Matt Bernard

New bone growth treatment developed for sufferers of osteoporosis
Currently in development is a paste comprised of stem cells that could lead to a new less-invasive treatment for osteoporosis.

Made by researchers at the University of Nottingham, the paste contains porous calcium phosphate microspheres, which are specifically used to strengthen the fragile bone tissue of those suffering with the rare disorder.

Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease in which the bone’s mineral density is significantly reduced, leading to soreness and greater chance of fractures and breaks.

Previous treatments for this disorder have been controversial and largely ineffective, because of the very delicate procedures involving stem cells – which are far too fragile to survive the surgery.

Speaking at the Regener8 conference in Leeds last week, representative for the research team, Dr Ifty Ahmed, said that they rather aim for the product to implemented as a preventative measure more than a curative treatment.

“Our aim is to use screening to spot people who are at risk, then strengthen their bones before they get fractures,” Ahmed stated. “It means that rather than waiting until people have a fall and break something, we would try to stop that ever happening along with the consequences, loss of independence, surgery and secondary illnesses.”

For those diagnosed with osteoporosis it is also important to increase your intake of calcium and vitamin D while cutting back alcohol and tobacco.


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